What can I say?

This blog is my home, my diary, a place where I share my poetry and read others works and get inspired. WordPress will always be a home for me, and hopefully even though I don’t write so often you will give me some of your precious time to go through my work (:

I am 16 years old and I am in grade 11. Just now, just this year I realized how tough life can be. Yeah, yeah I will see more coming on my way but sometimes I feel so lost, I feel like I can’t balance my religion, family, friends and school at the same time. As a muslim sometimes I felt like my religion would make me slower on balancing my life, I felt like it would pull me down to fall on the ground, it was tiring. But slowly I understood that my faith in God is the one that would balance everything around me. I know that many of my fellow readers have different religions and points of views. But the whole point is that you have that one thing you can cling to. That faith is the one that makes you understand the world around you. What makes you patient and obedient to things you don’t have the ability to change.  And that is how I balance my world.

Having friends is one thing, and having that one person you go to and tell all the things you feel like you have to tell but know not everyone would understand is another. I am lucky to have both, and I personally thing it is very vital for everyone to have someone they can tell all their feelings to.

Today I felt like sharing my thoughts with you all. I will also start painting again. My two art works got sold in an Exhibition for a Dubai Care charity organization. To be honest this gives me hope that I can actually have an option in art careers!

Too bitter, too sweet.

Dear readers,

My life has been going pretty well, and I have enjoyed every second of it. But today I wanted to share something with you. Patience when it comes to family. What does family mean to you? Is it those who  you lay your shoulder on whenever you get the chance to, or those who you try to escape and avoid whenever you possibly can?

Family is not just the part where you all hold your hands together and live happily ever after. There are often times when we all just feel like being alone. Living for your self and being free. But we all know that it is not that easy to let go, it is not that easy to just live alone with out having anyone to care for you. There are many problems a family faces, but the most vital right now in our world is: teenage drama. Who doesn’t have that one brother who you just can’t have a single conversation with? Or that son, daughter, cousin, whoever he or she is, we all have that one person in the house that shouts and yells with no patience and with out even second-guessing who is the person he/she is talking to.

Sometimes we yell back at them, sometimes we just bang the door and try to forget they even exist. But usually, we forget that we too went through the exact same chaos. Knowing that many of my viewers live with teenagers in their house, I would like to remind you all, me, you, your parents and my parents went through the same time. Just a slight different way. So be patient with that person, give time, swallow the eagerness to shout back because you know that this person will never be close to you if you slip the chance today. And you never know if it is already too late…  Therefor if you have a brother or a sister that yells back at you with out realizing it, be gentle and let them be. Let them say what they want to, because you know in the end they will come to you, somehow and someday.

Love your family, be there for them, because they in return will be there for you. And who are we with out love in this world?


Do you trust your self?
Do you trust your heart?
That is silently beating
under your skin?

Do you trust your brain
That is functioning helplessly?
Do you trust your so called friends
You don’t even like?

Or do you trust that one above you
Staring at you right now
Seeing what you are doing.
Woefully and bitterly in silence.

Patience striking all over Him again
Watching hopefully
That you will do the right thing
The right thing…

But how many of us know?
Whats the right thing?
But how many of us
Know the one above us?
Choosing the easy way out.
By not thinking about it at all.

But know that someday
You will fall apart.
And all your hopes will be vanished.
But no. Wait.
He is still watching, ask Him for help!
Ask for forgiveness…

NO. You won’t.
Easy way out?
Lets go get a drink.
And it will drift away,
Until the morning give back
Your conscience.

Bringing back your life.
Full of misery.