Quotes and sayings for today.

Always happens to me. Always end up standing alone in the corner. But at least, I will know that in that corner someday there will be someone who will stand next to me, hold my hand and be there truly for me. Just for me…

Credits goes to the site ( look below left at the picture). So dear readers, choosing what is right is hard, in many ways. But trust me, you won’t regret making that decision later on.

Happy weekend.

Pictures,pictures, and pictures!

Cant help it, but I haven’t written a poem for a week already. Honestly, I still can’t get over photography. And thinking about it, I am probably going to buy soon a professional camera! Yay! But not so fast, I got to save some of my pocket money, add some of my big brothers money, and get it! Well, 1000$ for a camera, hopefully I will learn how to use each and every tool that makes it so expensive!

This is my little brother, he is 7 years old and he is my love. I don’t know how I can express through words how much I love this kido. He is so smart, sometimes he over smarts me. Imagine, it makes me feel so dumb sometimes. He is the type who thinks quickly, say what is right in the right moment. Whereas me, I take my time, I have to. I take my time to think, to say and to express, but I am often in a hurry to say it out, so I say before I think. Does that happen to any of you? I hate when I do that, but I am still working on it!

Images of our lives.

I know I know, I have been publishing pictures for like 4 days already. And I will try my best to get some poetry published in a few days. I am guessing through the likes that you guys are liking my pictures! This is a new field of art that I am going to try to explore for this summer. Not that I am going to let go of poetry or painting. But I think I may spend more time on pictures from now on (: And I don’t know if you have noticed, but the below pictures I published with this one have been taken the same day and the same spot.


Addiction to art.

Click on the picture to enlarge.

Here you go, its Wednesday morning, after a few hours its my Biology exam. Peace of cake! Love bio, I mean how easy can it get, just to learn and understand? For now at least I have nothing to complain about it. And the teacher we got is so epic you just want to learn bio! Anyhow, this is one of my favorite pics I took long time back. Wow, never realized I am good at pictures too? Or okay not that bad? Hope you guys are having a great week. And the last thing before I click the publish button, don’t forget to smile. Look into the mirror and see how beautiful your smile is. Make it as wide and as real you can. When your smile comes from your heart, it can never be bad, it is just charming.


Another form of art

Here you go, this is the view from my apartment. Right, ” my” apartment! Well okay, technically my fathers, and we: my brothers & mom live in it. Anyhow, I have realized how much addicted I got into photo editing! I was staring at my mac book screen at how an application can change an ordinary picture, to extraordinary? Sorry if I am over exaggerating about my picture, but like, I have never really tried editing. So its new for me!

Photo taken by my iPhone 4s (: