I am on Facebook and in Good Reads!

Hi everyone!


You can add me in GoodReads, my name there is also Maria Zarif. In Facebook I have a page called: The Beat, so if you want to follow me there you can by just clicking Like! 


I have been doing pretty good in school. A lot to do but I am trying my best to have some time for poetry. But as you all know that I have a younger brother who is 7, I prioritize my time for him, the more I can influence him to stay fit, healthy and as knowledgable as possible, the more of a chance there is for him to turn out not to be like the common youngsters of my age. Stupid, fat, and let’s just repeat the same wore: stupid.

Life as it is, piece of cake.

I would like to write today again. Just to notify my darling followers that I am still trying to go back to my poetry!

My life has never been better. Even though I am very busy as I am the Student Council in year 11 ( Junior Year ), trying to keep up being one of the top students, my gym routine and family life ( If you were from an Asian country you would know what I mean )  it is pretty hard! And to be honest I would like to admit my friendship category is not fitting in my life. It is weird how I put the last in the list of everything I should take care of, but that just happened inadvertently.

As I was reading a famous classic book ” The Diary Of A Young Girl ” by Anne Frank I got so inspired by Anne and her thoughts which is why I dedicated her a poem. Secretly she reminds me of myself. But we got to admit it, I could never be Anne, with so much strength, patience and maturity. But we should all just try, to look up at this young girl who despite all the war was so brilliant, hopeful and assured. I shall now stop boring you and get to the poem! I really hope it is better than the previous. As now when I read my previous post poem, it seems too bad.

In the muddle of everything,
She stood brave and strong.
Independent was our Anne,
Spirited and very bold.

Looking into the sky in a time of war,
All she saw was the sun and the birds
Flying across the sky.
Looking into her nostalgic life,
All she feel was content and luck.

The immutable presence did not make her any weaker,
And as she grew, so did her boldness
Leaving the inevitable behind her.

She clinged to love, she clinged to hope,
Where felt none so dolefully.
She planned a future for herself
Where felt like there wasn’t any.

Oh Anne, you are in our hearts,
Forever to be remembered.
And I would like to decry
A salute of respect and gratitude.

If you never read that book, then I advice you to! Every single teacher would stop by and comment on my book saying how amazing it was! This is definitely a must-read! And currently I am reading The Return Of Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle.

Lots of love, Maria.


As she was staring at her sleeping child
Looking at her beautiful face.
Dark skin and black hair,
With no trace of worries on her face.

And she notices tears on her face
The droplets falling on her daughters face.

Karrina, a 30 years old single mother.
Today leaving her 5 years old daughter,
To make money. Leaving her alone in a country,
Where the daughter knows few.

And as she tries to speak to her daughter
She starts sobbing.
With the only company, herself.

Her little daughter will live for years with Salama’s friend.
Years with out a mother to speak to.
Years with out a hope to lit you.
And how did destiny bring her to a point
Where she can’t even afford to live?

A little message to you all my dear viewers, don’t forget to be thankful for what you have right now. Sometimes being content is all you need for happiness in life.

P.s. I am just warming up with poetry as I didn’t write for a long time!

Letting go, to embrace.

After 2 months of be being away from my blog, having a lot of time to write, I didn’t write.

2 months, a writer with 200 followers, didn’t write and did not say anything but leave a blog with no recent updates.
I may have not been the best writer in poems, I may have not been the most inspiring writer or artist. But I know someway I was special, to you who read my blog for a few months, reading my poems, of a teenager that still has a lot to go through and experience in this world.  And you always knew I was thankful for each and every like, for each and every comment, for each and every view.

Writing is beautiful, the magic to combine words and make a sentence and through a sentence a feeling is incredibly fascinating, and I am really glad that I tried writing, and of course reading your work at the same time. But I think the end comes here, with my writing of poetry. I think this is the last post and this blog will officially be stop being updated. I will of course not let go of poetry. Will always have a journal to write my thoughts, but I think, I want to let go of this blog and embrace new things in life.

Goodbye my dear viewers, thank you for all your support.
And no, I will not disappear, I will be there, read your posts, but will just not write anymore.

July 1, 2012

She was sitting on the floor,
Trying to not gape at the food she has been given.
Trying to swallow the ache in her throat
The ache to cry hard….

How long has she been starving?
Working like a dog for endless hours…
Getting paid for the amount people spend on a single cloth.
As she tries to pick up the fork…
She remember her mother.

The tall, indépendant, confident woman
With no food in her stomach she stood straight up
Facing the world with no slight itch.
Died while trying to fight for her life.

“And so will I….
And so will my daughter…”

She pushed the food and bursted into tears.
How much more struggle does she need to go through?
To prove God she is brave, that she deserves all
All that everyone has.
Love, money to eat, and clothes to wear.