Into a student’s mind…

Learn to write,

Learn to read,

Learn to obey,

Learn to sit.



How long will this last? How long will I endure?

Learn by heart, give tests for marks,

Send applications and stand out.

Apply for scholarships and try your best,

Will I even like the major I will choose?



Listening to stupid rules circulating the class,

Stupid teachers and stupid ways.

Wear black shoes, hair tied up.

No nail polish and no loud talk.

Don’t use your phone or it will be taken away.

Why can’t you just give me a break?

Picture from Google

Picture from Google

This love thing…


All of us girls were brainwashed by the perfect charming prince, the white horse, that perfect love story where he says and does everything perfectly. He looks perfect and he looks at me perfectly. He knows how I feel even though he knows me only for a little while. He is loving and makes me feel loved, even though I have no idea if it all is truly love or not. And I in childhood, watched so many love stories, read so many romantic books, that now, I honestly regret doing so because I think the same way.

You may ask me: ” Why Maria?” . Because it is tiring to look at any guy and have my girly me bounce around and think that he might be the the guy. You know? It is quite annoying when I am just having a friendly chat with a guy and then again my girly me comes and starts whispering me that he is the guy when we have known each other for a little while only. And it is also, very, very annoying when I see my best friends who are sitting there on the chair yet their minds are flying around the world and thinking about some guy, whom I bet, they know only for little while and think they are in love. I mean come on people, if you think about it, will you really marry someone random thinking it’s love? I am pretty sure relationships are build on trust, care, honesty, and all and not on something capricious like love. Because love is not like Gravitational Force, it is not an exact amount, it will always vary. If you don’t believe me, let’s take the person you love the most, will you really love that person like you do them now when you are having an argument? My point is, I wish I wasn’t brainwashed about prince charmings and now I would probably have it easier and just know then when it is the actual love thing… You know?

Another reason why it is good for girls not to be brainwashed about love is that their husbands/boyfriends will be so happy they will kiss my hand! I am sure of that part, every guy, okay let’s say, majority of the guys believe that ladies are in their own illusional world, where they don’t want the truth, they always want the right answer the answer they they want to hear. They don’t want you to actually say: “No darling, you shouldn’t wear that dress”, they want you always to tell them they are perfect and let’s face it, nobody is perfect. This love story perfection has not only drawn women crazy nowadays (and me too) but it also makes guys who will date them suffer.

We ladies love heels to make us taller and sexier, love make up to make us prettier,we wear  fake eyelashes, and in the end we want true love. How can there be anything true around us when all we say,think, and do is practically an illusion? All I think is that parents should not let their girls indulge too much in love stories and fictional books. I am not saying that romance and fiction are bad, what I am saying is that when someone watches a movie and sees the perfect scenes, where the ugly girl turns out the most beautiful, the girl turns out having the richest and most handsome boyfriend, and the girl turns out to be loved dearly, obviously they will want that too! But will that really happen? Majority of the times when we have a rich boyfriend he turns out to be a jerk, if we have a caring and loving boyfriend he turns out to be really poor. That is how God made it fair,even though we might not see the fairness.

In conclusion, watching too many fictional movies is bad. Let your kid read some based-on-true-story books, let him face the real world. What is the point of living in a dream and then falling down crashing like a rock realizing the world out there is nothing like you thought it is, and obviously the men in it are also not perfect?


Thoughts of the day…

People often ask me: “Why do you not believe in love?” I do believe in love. The way you love rain yet take an umbrella with you, the way you love flowers and pluck them out, the way you love animals and cage them. Thats the type of love a human being is always capable of and that’s the kind of love that I believe only exists. -Maria

Picture from Google

Picture from Google


I am on Facebook and in Good Reads!

Hi everyone!


You can add me in GoodReads, my name there is also Maria Zarif. In Facebook I have a page called: The Beat, so if you want to follow me there you can by just clicking Like! 


I have been doing pretty good in school. A lot to do but I am trying my best to have some time for poetry. But as you all know that I have a younger brother who is 7, I prioritize my time for him, the more I can influence him to stay fit, healthy and as knowledgable as possible, the more of a chance there is for him to turn out not to be like the common youngsters of my age. Stupid, fat, and let’s just repeat the same wore: stupid.

Dear readers,

Since I promised that I was going to start working on my poems, I did! And I currently finished writing a poem for a competition where, IF they like my poem it will be published with other writer’s poems (: I am happy because for me, this is a small step toward my future. I don’t have to be the best poet, but just by writing poems and letting others read them, makes me feel like I accomplished and experienced one more thing in life. For me this life is about many things. But mostly I want to try out so many things, experience so many cultures, party in so many events and still just sit down with a cup of green tea and think how life is full of beauty. And of course being a teenager I will let my self be naive and think that life consists of only the good. That there is no bad lingering in this world, waiting to drop on someone’s shoulders. Even when it is beautiful it has its ugliness. But nothing is perfect. So why should life be?

So for all of my viewers who think they are not perfect but should be, don’t overwhelm your self with this thought. Of course we should motivate our selves to be better, but we should take pride of who we are right now, because you can never know when your life comes to an end.

Will post a poem soon, thank you for all your likes and comments. Fully appreciated!

