
My basic life summary: I am turning 18 soon, I am that girl you will see in class that is always joking around in class and makes everyone laugh. It’s my last year of school (Yup, a senior) and then planning to study dentistry. I have had this blog for 3 years now and it basically became my diary in a way.  And the name of the blog “The Beat”  was chosen because I always felt that poetry (or you could say art in general) always had a soul of itself. I sometimes go through my old writings and just by looking at the headings I get to embrace my past and re-live it. For me poetry was a way of escaping from life, I would write and through those simple words I felt so much more heard, supported and understood.  Words that made up the poems I wrote were my best friends, the ones that were always there to understand it all and to just give that shoulder to lean on.

I will share my poems with you and sometimes other random thoughts. But I genuinely believe that life can always be enjoyed by just changing your perspective of it. As they say, sometimes you don’t need to change your location in the world, but simply the eyes that you look through into the world.

As a person I am horribly hyper and energetic. That is one of my other believes that you should always radiate positive energy. After all, who doesn’t like the sunlight in summer?

Give life a chance to be pretty.
Picture source: http://unknown-dark.deviantart.com/



Email: maria-zarif@hotmail.com

Facebook: Maria Mohd Zarif

14 thoughts on “About

    • Aww Subhan (: thank you! You have an indeed very amazing blog, with poems that always reach my heart. Keep writing! And I do appreciate the nomination (:

  1. Hello there,

    You write wonderful poetry up here. Well done! Keep penning and keep inspiring. You’ll do wonders one day, I am sure! 🙂

    And please take a look at my blog; I write poetry too. Some poems that may be of interest to you: “Love is a Heart Throbbing Joyride”, “My Greetings to You”, “Your Heart is My Favorite Playground”. Thank you and have a lovely day my friend! 🙂

    Subhan Zein

  2. Maria, I must say you have an amazing talent in writing AND Arts. I really enjoyed going through and reading your blog. Very interesting, I must say. Keep doing what you love and keep writing more! & yes, I will consider to join wordpress 😉

    From your crazy friend, Iman Syami.

    • Hehe Iman! ❤ As much as I love your blog in tumblr, I couldn't be happier to have you in wordpress! My blog buddy 😉 Now we shall share our life stories thru blogging, eh? 😛

  3. Hey Maria!! Finally got the time I needed to read your blog posts. Well I read all of them and to my surprise you are too matured for a 16 year old. And I think many would agree on the fact that we can take some lessons from you on being happy and staying positive. All I wanna say is be happy girl. You have a good future. God bless…

    Vibhas, India

    • Vibhas, thank you for you compliments. As you called me too mature for a 16 years old, I would respectfully deny that, its just the fact that in my age girls and boys are too distracted by other things. Thats it (: And taking lessons? Naa… we all know whats good and wrong, its just that I am reminding you and my self by writing about it! 😀

  4. Wow you have an amazing blog! i like your personality and would love to read more of your posts and know you even more better! Stay the same as you are- bubbly and cheerful!

  5. Maria, it is good to see your blog.

    We need more people from Afghanistan to show the world the true face of that harsh but beautiful country of brave tough men and redoubtable women.

    Be the cheerful and bubbly self you are…All good wishes from Eric, Singapore

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